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The story of Charles Ingram, a former British army major who caused a major scandal in the early 2000s after being caught cheating his way to winning £1 million on the game show Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Ingram, his wife Diana and an accomplice, Tecwen Whittock, who was sitting in the audience, initially pulled off the on-screen heist before being caught and standing trial.
Elliot Levey,Helen McCrory,Risteard Cooper,Trystan Gravelle,Matthew Macfadyen,Michael Sheen,Mark Bonnar,Sian Clifford,Michael Jibson,Andrew Leung,Aisling Bea,Seraphina Beh,Jasmyn Banks
United Kingdom
Episode Title: Episode 3
Rating: 6.8
Duration: 47 min
Release: 2020
Episodes: 3