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Sleepers (sleeper agents) are agents deeply incorporated into the structure of opposing forces. They are recruited before they get access to classified information, sometimes even before they start working in the field that interests the recruiting party. They are often recruited "to grow up". The action takes place in Moscow in June 2013 on the eve of major geopolitical events and upheavals that, as a result, will change the future life of the world.
Thriller,Mystery,War & Politics
Igor Ugolnikov,Igor Petrenko,Yuri Belyayev,Natalya Rogozhkina,Dmitri Ulyanov,Igor Mirkurbanov,Aristarkh Venes,Ali Mukhammad,Alexander Rapoport,Sergey Ugryumov,Yusup Omarov,Konstantin Strelnikov
Episode Title: The Awakening
Rating: 6.5
Duration: 55 min
Release: 2017
Episodes: 1