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We Children from Bahnhof Zoo
Six teenagers fight for their dream of happiness and freedom, leaving behind all the problems with parents, teachers and others. Christiane, Stella, Babsi, Benno, Axel and Michi throw themselves into the heady nights of Berlin, without limits or rules, and celebrate life, love and temptation - until they have to realize that this rush will not only destroy their friendship, but can drive them into the abyss.
Mai Duong Kieu,Sebastian Urzendowsky,Hans-Heinrich Hardt,Nik Xhelilaj,Hildegard Schmahl,Bruno Alexander,Valerie Koch,Joachim Foerster,Michelangelo Fortuzzi,Jana McKinnon,Lea Drinda,Angelina Häntsch,Bernd Hölscher,Jeremias Meyer,Lena Urzendowsky,Tom Gronau
Italy,Germany,Czech Republic
Episode Title: Dawn
Rating: 6.5
Duration: 51 min
Release: 2021
Episodes: 8